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Location: Portland, Oregon, United States

The fevered minds behind Arcana Soaps have been selling lavish distillations and ablutions since 2003. Our focus is on unparalleled skincare, exotic ingredients and delectable hand-blended scents.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

All Shipped!

As of yesterday, when the last of the August 16th orders went out, all domestic and international orders have been shipped. Godspeed to the USPS.

I'm long overdue in letting you all know how much Will and I treasure your sweet cards, notes and emails, reminding us to get some rest during the break, giving various blends the thumbs up, reassuring us that you aren't mad about refunded LfW orders, and generally being the supportive darlings that you are. I really do think we have the nicest customers & friends in the world!



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